First Aid at Work Refresher

2 Days

First Aid at Work Refresher

Who is this course for?

This comprehensive 2 day refresher first aid at work course is for people intending to requalify in their role as first aider in the workplace. The course is designed to provide the First Aider with the skills necessary to give effective life support, diagnose and treat injuries or illness, and maintain care and comfort of the casualty. With an emphasis on dealing with life threatening situations and keeping the casualty alive until professional help arrives including updated skills, protocols and local/company policies and procedures.


To gain competency through continued learning and assessment in First Aid including basic life support techniques, meeting the current HSE guidelines to become a competent first aider in the workplace

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this course the delegate will be a competent and confident First Aider, and have a full understanding of the principles of first aid in a wide range of disciplines as laid down by the Health and Safety Executive.

Course Content

§  Duties of a first aider

§  Legislation

§  Incident management

§  Mechanics of respiration

§  Asphyxia and Hypoxia

§  Resuscitation protocols

§  Choking

§  Unconsciousness casualty management

§  Causes of unconsciousness

§  Circulation, wounds and bleeding

§  Viral hazards

§  Burns

§  Hot & cold injuries

§  Fractures

§  Soft tissue injuries and dislocations

§  Minor illness and injury

§  Company policies and documentation

§  Site specific requirements


Delivery Method

A combination of classroom based activity, syndicate working and Presentation/demonstrations, practical application and question and answer paper. A wide range of video and photographic material is used to enhance the learning experience for delegates.

Assessment and Certification

Continued assessment process leading to a certificate of competence.

The HSE recommend that all First Aiders at work attend a 3 hour First Aid Refresher course annually, to ensure that they are up to date with procedures and to reduce the level of “first aid skill fade”.  Certificates can be renewed by attending a 2 day First Aid at Work Re-qualifying training course.


2 days (12 hours)